School-Based Professional Development

School-based PD allows schools to educate whole-school staff at one time on your premises or online. The content for each session is tailored to address the specific needs of an individual school. We have several consultancy options available:

  • School-based PD available as a full day, half day or one-to-two hour staff meetings.
  • Coaching consults (face-to-face, Teams or Zoom).
  • Small group or individual 'coaching' held at PLD.

In order to facilitate your booking please fill out either the online booking form or the downloadable paper-based forms below. The most time-efficient way to confirm your booking is through the online booking form.

General costings for each type of booking is available to download HERE.

Use the tabs below to skip ahead to:


Option 1: Online Booking Form
Option 2: Downloadable Paper-Based Forms
  • Step 1: Download one of the PDF booking forms below.
  • Step 2: Submit the paper-based form to Note: This is a provisional booking only.
  • Step 3: PLD will call you to discuss your booking and confirm your expectations from the session. We will provide you with an invoice for the booking, a 20% deposit will be required to secure the date.
  • Step 4: Your booking is confirmed once PLD receives the 20% deposit
The PLD Presenters

PLD’s team consists of a range of literacy consultants, who are trained and have experience delivering school-based seminars and workshop coaching sessions. The forms above are mandatory in order to secure a booking, as they will provide the PLD bookings team (and the presenter) with the specifics on where the school is at and why the session has been scheduled.

The presenters can ‘launch’ PLD’s implementation in the school, by providing a broad school presentation (covering the junior primary to Year 6 in one day), but it is typically more time and cost-efficient if schools complete (at least 2 hours of the online courses prior to the school presentation). Presenters can then focus on school-specific coaching, once the classrooms in the booking school are aware of the basics of PLD’s implementation.

PLD’s team consists of a range of literacy consultants, trained and experienced in delivering school-based seminars and support.

Diana Rigg Servicing Western Australia, South Australia, and the Northern Territory.

Emily Paget
Servicing regional and metropolitan Western Australia.

Paula McBain
Servicing metropolitan Western Australia

Caitlin Brandt
Servicing Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria

Tayla Kleinschmidt
Servicing metropolitan and regional Queensland