Home & School: Building the Connection

When home and school work together, children thrive. Recognising this, PLD provides an extensive range of resources including parent manuals, developmental milestones, informative sheets, and videos. These materials offer essential support for parents, caregivers, and the broader community. They can be easily shared through newsletters, websites, and various communication chanels. 

If You Are Concerned About a Child’s Development

It is highly recommended that both home and school collaborate to access support services in order to cater to the child’s learning needs. Research consistently shows that early intervention leads to better outcomes for the child. If a child is facing challenges in oral language or pre-literacy skills, consider consulting a Speech Pathologist. For difficulties related to movement and motor skills, seeking guidance from an Occupational Therapist is advised.

Please note that PLD no longer operates a clinic and is unable to offer individual advice or recommendations for children. However, PLD does provide valuable information to schools, enabling them to better engage with parents. 

<span class='blue-color'>Parent Education Resources</span>

Navigate through the tabs below:

Parent Education in the Early Years

Kindergarten (WA/QLD/SA/TAS), Preschool (NSW/ACT/NT/VIC)

<span class='blue-color'>Parent Education Resources</span>
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Parent Education in Foundation

Pre-Primary (WA), Kindergarten (NSW/ACT), Prep (QLD/VIC/TAS), Reception (SA), Transition (NT)

<span class='blue-color'>Parent Education Resources</span>
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Parent Education in Year 1 & 2
<span class='blue-color'>Parent Education Resources</span>
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Frequently Asked Questions